It’s 5 Stars From Us (Narcos)

We love creating great work for our clients, but we are not averse to championing the work of others that we feel have absolutely knocked it out of the park. This week, our 5 stars rating goes to Tom O’Neill and the titles he produced for the Netflix series Narcos.

If you look through this piece closely, you’ll see found footage, newsreel, family photos, library shots, models, great typography and layers that change as the different series progress. I personally love the little touch of the change of president in the photo frame as the dates of the series progress.
Truly great work and something we’d be proud of if it was in our portfolio.

Next time you’re thinking of a hero piece for titles, key art, sales campaign, trailer or even a 5 seconds sting, give us a call and let us show you what we could do.