“Peach Fuzz” Pantone’s 2024 Color

“Peach Fuzz” Pantone’s 2024 Color

Pantone’s 2024 Color of the Year is a Peachy-Keen Delight. Pantone has revealed “Peach Fuzz” to be 2024’s Color of the Year for its “velvety gentle peach tone” with an “all-embracing spirit”.

What memories or feelings does this warm orange-pink hue evoke for you?

Macaulay Culkin from Home Alone Returns

Kevin McCallister from Home Alone Returns

Macaulay Culkin returns as Kevin McCallister from Home Alone in this Google Ad. It integrates tech-savvy spin to the iconic scenes creating a modern and nostalgic “remake” of the classic.

Axel Foley Teaser

Axel Foley Teaser

Nice little Axel Foley teaser. Looks just like something we would have come up with. Very nice. Beautiful detail.

The Die Hard of Christmas ads

The Die Hard of Christmas ads

Uncommon’s Christmas ad for JD Sports stands out for its relatability, featuring the iconic JD duffel bag as the central theme. The ad is aimed for authenticity, capturing the bag’s role in British culture for over 25 years. The ad, likened to the “Die Hard” of Christmas ads, emphasises warmth and togetherness with a focus on real relationships and moments, avoiding unnecessary branding.

Even the soundtrack, ‘Sweet Harmony’ by Liquid, adds a nostalgic touch. The ad celebrates UK youth culture, embodying the past, present, and future through the iconic JD Sports bag.

The Uncommon team “understood what Britain was like” in 2023 and made something that was “built on the streets”. This ad is a refreshing take on the tried and tested formula of a typical Christmas Ad.

Odd mashups brewing

Odd mashups brewing

Often mashups between brands and brand collaboration, seem to make perfect sense. The two brands seem to benefit from each other in a symbiotic way.

Just now and again something comes up that you go ‘woah’. This brand collaboration seems so diametrically opposed that it works because the two things seem so far apart.

What other brand collaborations would make possible ‘odd mashups’?

Balenciaga's vs Ikea's towel skirt

Balenciaga’s vs Ikea’s towel skirt

Balenciaga are a brand that seems to be inviting parody. Their latest $1,250 towel skirt has just been given a makeover by Ikea with their £16 equivalent. What do you think?

At Mindcorp, we’re actively using these AI tools: Midjourney, DALLE.E 2, Adobe Sensei, Canva, Mokker AI, Galileo AI, Khroma, ClickUp, Chat GPT, amongst others.

By leveraging generative AI tools, we can streamline and enhance the creative process, generating visually compelling and cohesive materials. AI’s ability to analyse data and identify patterns aids in the discovery of innovative design elements and storytelling angles, providing a fresh perspective for pitch presentations and conceptual development.

Crucially, AI’s processing power makes all this more affordable, a game-changer in today’s economic climate. Ultimately, AI is seen as a creative companion, opening doors for producers, content creators, and tech wizards to enhance program and content production. It’s a boost for creativity and productivity, allowing the industry’s creative minds to thrive in the dynamic landscape.

The Ultimate AI Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate AI Cheat Sheet

AI revolutionises the TV industry, playing a crucial role as a convergence technology with a multitude of perks. While handy for general tasks using Chat GPT, the real magic happens when when AI joins forces with creatives for crafting pitch decks, storyboarding, creating key art and concept boards along with motion capture, and real-time graphics. In essence, those leading the AI revolution are setting a formidable pace that proves challenging to match.

At Mindcorp, we’re actively using these AI tools: Midjourney, DALLE.E 2, Adobe Sensei, Canva, Mokker AI, Galileo AI, Khroma, ClickUp, Chat GPT, amongst others.

By leveraging generative AI tools, we can streamline and enhance the creative process, generating visually compelling and cohesive materials. AI’s ability to analyse data and identify patterns aids in the discovery of innovative design elements and storytelling angles, providing a fresh perspective for pitch presentations and conceptual development.

Crucially, AI’s processing power makes all this more affordable, a game-changer in today’s economic climate. Ultimately, AI is seen as a creative companion, opening doors for producers, content creators, and tech wizards to enhance program and content production. It’s a boost for creativity and productivity, allowing the industry’s creative minds to thrive in the dynamic landscape. Rory Flinn has released the ultimate cheat sheet guide for those looking to start or even elevate their prompts on Midjourney.

Click here for a copy of the cheat sheet.

Lego Birkin

Lego Birkin

I like this as a branded content piece, but as a still rather than a mock meme. Very strong. A great brand mashup with both coming off well.